Wednesday, 29 December 2010

Review of L´oréal Paris Glam Shine ''400''

A few days ago I bought a lipgloss called ''L´oréal Paris Glam Shine'' and the colour is number ''400''. It was on sale (just a little bit, 30%) and I had been looking for a lipgloss for a really long time so I thought why not? My first impression was that the design of the bottle is very slender and the product looks quite expensive actually. The heart-shaped applicator is very smooth on your lips and it makes it easy to apply the lipgloss.

If someone would ask me if I knew a good lipgloss I'd perhaps suggest this one, but I'm not 100% pleased with the result. Okay it doesn't look bad or anything, but I don't think that it lasts for a very long time. The result that I was looking for though, was a natural one so I can't be fully unpleased with the product. After drinking a glass of anything, the lipgloss has almost faded. But lets say this- if you're looking for a lipgloss that gives a natural impression and that is quite cheap, I suggest you to buy this!

I give this product:


  1. Looks pretty on your lips♥ I really want to try L'oreal's Infallible line but they don't sell it where I live :( Have you tried it?


  2. I love how natural looking it is though:)


  3. I like the effect, but it's a bummer it doesn't last very long. Let us know if you find anything that looks like that, but stays on.



  4. @ candy apples: Thank you, no unfortunately I haven't tried it yet =)

    @ Sher: Yeah me too, that's one of the reasons why I like it =)

    @ Amanda: You're absolutely right!=) I'll let you know my dear!!
