Sunday, 3 April 2011

Review of IsaDora Hypo-allergenic Mascara

So now it's time for me to do a review of the IsaDora mascara called ''Hypo-allergenic mascara'' that I got in a late christmas present. I had big expectations on this mascara, not because it was expensive, but because of the one I got it from said it was such an amazing mascara. Did it please me like I expected it to do though? I'll tell you what I thought about the mascara in this post...
(This is how the IsaDora Hypo-allergenic mascara looks like on my eyelashes!)

The brush on the other hand is great and it's the perfect size according to me. My eyelashes are quite short and few also, and with this wand it's easier to apply the mascara without leaving any traces around the eye-area from it. I don't think that the amount of mascara that's on the wand is very good though. I think that it's too much mascara on the wand, and according to me, too much mascara on the wand makes it harder to capture every each lash. And with that huge mistake that IsaDora made, I must impair the certificate of the product.

There is actually one thing that I really HATE (I use that word very rarely!) about this mascara. When I tried this mascara for the first 2 weeks (?) I thought it was really good, BUT after like ½ a month or a month the mascara began to get thicker and gobs began to gather in the formula. So you can just try to figure out how hard it was to get a descent result now. Because of that I consider that I really value this mascara as much worser than it was before this happened. My friend also mentioned that hers and her mum's mascara also had began to get thicker and with gobs in it now, so it wasn't just mine who did that. However, considering the cheap price of the product I didn't really think that this mascara would be any better than it actually was...

I give this product:


  1. I have used IsaDoras Lash Booster Mascara before - can recommend, very good! I think IsaDora has also very good eyeshadows!

  2. hej på dig. såg att du kikat förbi mig ;) jag har använt en mall genom blogger men sen justerat lite storlek på text och sånt.. och headern har jag gjort själv..
    hoppas du har en bra måndag
    aldrig testat denna mascaran, brukar gilla maxfactor eller diorshow mest men ska testa denna nästa gång.

  3. i like your header, nice blog!

  4. @ Minna: Oh, thanks for the recommendation! I've to agree with you about their great eyeshadows, take a look at my review of their Duo Eyeshadows here:

    @ ediot: Tack för ditt svar, din blogg ser helt fantastisk ut!

    @ Youri: Thanks a lot!! =D

    @ maphi: Thank you sweetheart!! =)
